Three students joined our lab!

Published February 26, 2024

Changgeon Ko, Edyta Ołów, and Junmyeong Lee joined our lab for the master's course starting from this semester (Spring 2024). Welcome!

Recent Photos

Farewell meeting with Filippo Meeting with Soo Hyun Ryu (Aug. 7, 2020) Meeting with Cholé Paris (Aug. 30, 2019)

Recent Publications

The lastest three papers accepted or published

  • Taeho Hwang, Soyeong Jeong, Sukmin Cho, SeungYoon Han, and Jong C. Park: "DSLR: Document Refinement with Sentence-Level Re-ranking and Reconstruction to Enhance Retrieval-Augmented Generation" (KnowledgeNLP@ACL 2024)
  • Jisu Shin, Hoyun Song, Huije Lee, Soyeong Jeong, and Jong C. Park: "Ask LLMs Directly, "What shapes your bias?": Measuring Social Bias in Large Language Models" (ACL 2024)
  • Taeho Hwang, Soyeong Jeong, Sukmin Cho, and Jong C. Park: "Retrieval-Augmented Generation through Zero-shot Sentence-Level Passage Refinement using LLMs" (KCC 2024)

Recent Access