
Attending KCC 2012 in Jeju island

News Conferences Published June 27, 2012

We attended the KCC 2012 conference (한국컴퓨터종합학술대회 2012) held in Jeju island on June 27-29, 2012. Yong-Jae gave a poster presentation for a paper titled "Towards Automatic Evaluation of Category Fluency Test Performance: Distinguishing Groups using Word Clustering" (자동 범주유창성검사 평가를 향하여: 단어 군집화를 활용한 그룹간 구별) co-authored by Dr. Maria Wolters from the University of Edinburgh, and Hee-Jin Lee. Sang-Chae gave another poster presentation for a paper titled "Age and Gender Prediction from Korean Tweets with Stylometric Analysis" (문체 분석을 활용한 한국어 트위터 사용자의 연령대 및 성별 예측).