
OncoSearch on the news

News Etc Published May 23, 2014

Our system OncoSearch (paper: "OncoSearch: Cancer Gene Search Engine with Literature Evidence") was covered by the media in Korea on 23rd May, 2014. OncoSearch is a text mining search engine that searches Medline abstracts for sentences describing gene expression changes in cancers. The research results were published in the online version of Nucleic Acids Research, on 9th May, 2014. OncoSearch is available through

- Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (미래창조과학부): "암관련 유전자 검색 엔진 개발"
- Health Korea News: "암 관련 유전자 빠르고 정확히 찾는다"
- Dong-A Science: "7500개 암 유전자 한번에 촤르륵 검색"
- Yonhapnews: "암 유전자 '검색엔진' 개발…암 연구 수월해질듯"
- Electronic Times: "암 관련 유전자 정보 검색 기술 개발"
- YTN: "암 관련 유전자 전용 검색 엔진 개발" (YouTube)