
[Announcement] Prof. Junichi Tsujii's Global Lecture: NLP-based Text Mining Techniques and their Applications

News Announcements Published May 13, 2010

Prof. Junichi Tsujii at the University of Tokyo will give a Global Lecture at KAIST as follows.

Title: NLP-based Text Mining Techniques and their Applications
Speaker: Junichi Tsujii
Date: May 31 - June 4, 2010 (1pm-4pm)
Location: Oh Sangsu Seminar Room
Host: Jong C. Park (

[Course Description]
Text Mining has been considered as an essential technology in the future of biological research, which provides means by which scientists can cope with ever increasing amount of published papers in the domain. This course focuses on an emerging technological field, NLP-based Text Mining, which combines technologies such as natural language processing, ontology engineering, machine learning and distributed data bases. In particular, the course discusses how recent research results of deep parsing can be combined with machine learning for event recognition and relation mining in biology.

[Day 1] Challenges of Text Mining for Biology
[Day 2] Deep parsing and linguistic formalism
[Day 3] Empirical Approach to Meaning
[Day 4] Named Entity Recognition and Normalization
[Day 5] Event Recognition and Normalization

[Speaker's Bio]
Junichi Tsujii is a Professor of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing of the University of Tokyo and Professor of Text Mining of the University of Manchester, UK. He has an MSc and a PhD from Department of Electrical Engineering, Kyoto University. He has been a permanent member of International Committee of Computational Linguistics (ICCL) from 1994. He was Vice-President (2005) and President (2006) of ACL (Association for Computational Linguistics), and President (2008) of AFNLP (Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing). He was awarded IBM Science Award in 1988, SEYMF Visiting professorship in 2000, Daiwa-Adrian Prize for the project jointly carried out by Dr.S.Ananiadou (University of Manchester, UK) in 2004, IBM Faculty Award in 2005, Achievement Award (Japan Society of Artificial Intelligence) in 2008, and 紫綬褒章 (the Japanese Government) in 2010.