The syntax of CHR rules is the following:
rules | ::= rule rules
rules | ::= empty
rule | ::= name actual_rule pragma .
name | ::= atom @
name | ::= empty
actual_rule | ::= simplification_rule
actual_rule | ::= propagation_rule
actual_rule | ::= simpagation_rule
simplification_rule | ::= head <=> guard body
propagation_rule | ::= head ==> guard body
simpagation_rule | ::= head \ head <=> guard body
head | ::= constraints
constraints | ::= constraint constraint_id
constraints | ::= constraint constraint_id , constraints
constraint | ::= compound_term
constraint_id | ::= empty
constraint_id | ::= # variable
guard | ::= empty
guard | ::= goal |
body | ::= goal
pragma | ::= empty
pragma | ::= pragma actual_pragmas
actual_pragmas | ::= actual_pragma
actual_pragmas | ::= actual_pragma , actual_pragmas
actual_pragma | ::= passive( variable)
Note that the guard of a rule may not contain any goal that binds a variable in the head of the rule with a non-variable or with another variable in the head of the rule. It may however bind variables that do not appear in the head of the rule, e.g. an auxiliary variable introduced in the guard.