5.12 Predicate Summary

add_breakpoint(+Conditions, -BID) development
Creates a breakpoint with Conditions and with identifier BID.
user:breakpoint_expansion(+Macro, -Body) hook,development
defines debugger condition macros
current_breakpoint(?Conditions, ?BID, ?Status, ?Kind, ?Type) development
There is a breakpoint with conditions Conditions, identifier BID, enabledness Status, kind Kind, and type Type.
debug development
switch on debugging
user:debugger_command_hook(+DCommand,-Actions) hook,development
Allows the interactive debugger to be extended with user-defined commands.
debugging development
display debugging status information
disable_breakpoints(+BIDs) development
Disables the breakpoints specified by BIDs.
enable_breakpoints(+BIDs) development
Enables the breakpoints specified by BIDs.
user:error_exception(+Exception) hook
Exception is an exception that traps to the debugger if it is switched on.
execution_state(+Tests) development
Tests are satisfied in the current state of the execution.
execution_state(+FocusConditions, +Tests) development
Tests are satisfied in the state of the execution pointed to by FocusConditions.
leash(+M) development
set the debugger's leashing mode to M
nodebug development
switch off debugging
nospy(:P) development
remove spypoints from the procedure(s) specified by P
nospyall development
remove all spypoints
notrace development
switch off debugging (same as nodebug/0)
nozip development
switch off debugging (same as nodebug/0)
profile_data(:Spec,?Selection,?Resolution,?Data) development
Data is the profiling data collected from the instrumented predicates covered by Spec with selection and resolution Selection and Resolution respectively.
profile_reset(:Spec) development
The profiling counters for the instrumented predicates covered by Spec are zeroed.
remove_breakpoints(+BIDs) development
Removes the breakpoints specified by BIDs.
spy(:P) development
set spypoints on the procedure(s) specified by P with conditions C
trace development
switch on debugging and start tracing immediately
unknown(-O,+N) development
Changes action on undefined predicates from O to N.
user:unknown_predicate_handler(+G,+M,-N) hook
handle for unknown predicates.
zip development
switch on debugging in zip mode

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