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Jong C. Park, Ph.D.Professor, School of Computing, KAIST
Academic Interests
- Natural Language Processing & Computational Linguistics
- Languages in Biology and Medicine (BioNLP, Symposium)
- (Sign) Languages and Quality of Life Technology (QoLT)
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Impairments in Language Use
- Languages in Emotionally Keen Human-Robot and Human-Human Interaction
- Converting Textual Stories to Computer Animation and Images
- User Customized Natural Language Information Service
Honors and Recognition (selected)
- Distinguished Service Award for JCSE as Editor-in-Chief (for 17 years), KIISE: June, 2024
- Top 10 Representative Research Results of 2023 at KAIST: May, 2024
- Outstanding Paper Award, ACL 2023: July, 2023
- Distinguished Service Award for JCSE as Editor-in-Chief, KIISE: December, 2016
- 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century, IBC, Cambridge, England: 10th edition (2016)
- Marquis Who’s Who in the World, Marquis Who’s Who, New Providence, NJ, USA: 2016 edition
- Top 10 Representative Research Results of 2014 at KAIST: February, 2015
- Distinguished Service Award for founding JCSE, KIISE: December, 2007
- First Prize (Coach), Ministry of Information and Communication, Collegiate Programming Contest: 2002
- First Prize (Coach), ACM ICPC Korea (Daejeon) Regional: 2000
- Sigma Xi: elected in 1988
- Founding and Managing Editor-in-Chief (2007~2024), Journal of Computing Science and Engineering (KIISE, Scopus)
- Associate Editor (2010~present), Transactions on Asian and Low Resource Language Information Processing (ACM, SCIE)
- Editorial Board Member (2010~2021), Journal of Biomedical Semantics (BMC, SCIE)
- Editorial Board Member (2014~2016), Natural Language Engineering (CUP, SCIE)
- Editorial Advisory Board Member, International Journal of Genuine Traditional Medicine
- Editor, (Journal of) Language and Information (KSLI)
- Associate Editor (~2015), Journal of Cognitive Science (KSCS)
- Editor (1999~2001,2007), Software and its Applications (KIISE)
Academic Responsibilities
- Associate Vice President, Office of Information Service for Knowledge and Culture, KAIST (3/2015~2/2019)
- Academic Affairs Committee, CS Department, KAIST: Member (2012~present)
- HR Committee, CS Department, KAIST: Member (2013~2016, 2004~2006)
- Faculty Search Committee, CS Department, KAIST: Chair (2012~2015), Member (2006~2010)
- Curriculum Review Committee, KAIST: Member (2012~2014)
- Department of Knowledge Service Engineering, KAIST: Adjunct Professor (2008~2012)
- Robotics Interdisciplinary Program, KAIST: Affiliate Professor (Steering Committee, 2002~2011)
- Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (KIISE): Member of the Board of Directors (2007~2010, 2012~2/2017,3/2018~2024)
- Human-Robot Interaction Research Center: Participating Researcher (2006~2013)
- Systems Biomedical Informatics Research Center (National Core Research Center): co-PI (2010~2017)
- Korean Society for Language and Information: Board Member (2005~2006, 2015~2020), Council Member (2014~2020)
- HCI Korea: Board Member (2018~present)
Academic Membership
- Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society: Lifetime Member (since 1988)
- The Association for Computational Linguistics: Member (since 1992)
- Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (KIISE): Lifetime Member (since 1998)
- Korean Society for Language and Information: Lifetime Member
- HCI Korea: Lifetime Member
External Ph.D. Committee (Foreign Only)
- Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Patna, India, 2023
- Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, 2016
- National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore, 2014
- National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore, 2011
- Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway, 2006
Academic Activities (since 2005)
- President, Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing (AFNLP, link): 2022.6~2024.12
- Keynote Speaker, EMNLP 2023 (Singapore, 8/12/2023, link)
- PC Member, 61st ACL (Toronto, Canada, 9-14/7/2023, link)
- PC Member, 32nd IJCAI (Cape Town, South Africa, 19-25/08/2023, link)
- PC Member, 37th AAAI (Washington, DC, USA, 7/02-14/2/2023, link)
- PC Member, 13th Louhi Workshop (online, 7/12/2022, link)
- PC Member, 36th PACLIC (virtual, 20-22/10/2022, link)
- PC Member, 31st IJCAI + 23rd ECAI (Vienna, Austria, 2022, link)
- PC Member, 36th AAAI (Vancouver, BC, Canada, 22/02-1/3/2022, link)
- PC Member, 35th PACLIC (Shanghai, China, 5-7/11/2021, link)
- PC Member, EMNLP 2021 (On-line, 7-11/11/2021, link)
- PC Member, HealTAC 2021 (online, if possible London, UK, 17-18/06/2021, link)
- Vice President, Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing (AFNLP, link): 2019.6~2022.5
- Senior PC Member, IJCAI 2021 (Montreal, Canada, 21-26/08/2021, link)
- Area Chair, Machine Learning for NLP Track, 59th ACL-10th IJCNLP (Bangkok, Thailand, 1-6/08/2021, link)
- Demo co-Chair, 59th ACL-10th IJCNLP (Bangkok, Thailand, 1-6/08/2021, link)
- PC Member, NAACL-HLT 2021 (Mexico City, 6-11/06/2021, link)
- PC Member, Machine Learning for NLP Track, EACL 2021 (Kiev, Ukraine, 19-23/04/2021, link)
- PC Member, 35th AAAI (virtual, 2-9/02/2021, link)
- Area co-Chair, Machine Learning Track, COLING 2020 (Barcelona, Spain, 8-13/12/2020, link)
- PC Member, 11th Louhi Workshop 2020 (online, 20/11/2020, link TBA)
- PC Member, EMNLP 2020 (On-line, 16-20/11/2020, link)
- PC Member, 34th PACLIC (Hanoi, Vietnam, 24-26/10/2020, link)
- Senior PC Member, IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 (Yokohama, Japan, 11-17/07/2020, link)
- RC Member, 58th ACL (Seattle, Washington, USA, 5-10/07/2020, link)
- PC Member, 10th WIMS (Biarritz, France , 30/06-03/07/2020, link)
- PC Member, 34th AAAI (New York, New York, USA, 7-12/2/2020, link)
- PC Member, 10th Louhi Workshop (Hong Kong, 3/11/2019, link)
- PC Member, 33rd PACLIC (Hakodate, Japan, 13-15/09/2019, link)
- Senior PC Member, IJCAI 2019 (Macao, China, 10-16/08/2019, link)
- PC Member, 9th ACM WIMS (Seoul, Korea, 26-28/06/2019, link)
- PC Member, HealTAC 2019 (Cardiff, UK, 24-25/04/2019, link)
- PC Member, 33rd AAAI (Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 27/1-1/2/2019, link)
- SC Member, 32nd PACLIC (Hong Kong, 1-3/12/2018, link)
- PC Member, 9th Louhi Workshop (Brussels, Belgium, 31/10-01/11/2018, link)
- Member, Coordinating Committee for ACL-IJCNLP 2021 (04/2018~2021)
- PC Member, SLSP 2018 (Mons, Belgium, 15-17/10/2018, link)
- Member, Best Paper Committee for ACL 2018 (Melbourne, Australia, 15-20/07/2018, link)
- PC Member, IJCAI-ECAI 2018 (Stockholm, Sweden, 13-19/07/2018, link)
- Member, Coordinating Committee for ACL 2018 (11/2015~07/2018)
- PC Member, HealTAC 2018 (Manchester, UK, 18-19/04/2018, link)
- PC Member, 8th ACM WIMS (Novi Sad, Serbia, 25-27/06/2018, link)
- PC Member, 32nd AAAI (New Orleans, Lousiana, USA, 2~7/2/2018, link)
- PC Member, 31st PACLIC (Cebu, Philippines, 16~18/11/2017, link)
- PC Member, 8th Louhi Workshop (Sydney, Australia, 11/08/2017, link)
- Secretary, Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing (AFNLP, link): 2017~2019.5
- PC Member, 7th ACM WIMS (Amantea, Italy, 19-22/06/2017, link)
- Senior PC Member, IJCAI 2017 (Melbourne, Australia, 19-25/08/2017, link)
- PC Chair, 30th PACLIC (Seoul, Korea, 28-30/10/2016, link)
- PC Member, 24th ISMB (Ontario, Canada, 8-12/07/2016, link)
- Workshop Chair (with Limsoon Wong), 12th Korea-Singapore Joint Workshop (Daejeon, Korea, 22/09/2016, link)
- PC Member, 24th ISMB (Ontario, Canada, 8-12/07/2016, link)
- PC Member, 7th Louhi Workshop (Austin, Texas, USA, 2-6/11/2016, link)
- PC Member, 6th WIMS (Ecole des Mines d’Alès, Parc G Besse, Nîmes, France, 13-15/06/2016, link)
- PC Member, 29th PACLIC (Shanghai, China, 30/10/2015~1/11/2015, link)
- PC Member, BioNLP 2015 (Beijing, China, 30/7/2015, link)
- PC Member, 23rd ISMB/14th ECCB (Dublin, Ireland, 10-14/7/2015, link)
- PC Member, 53rd ACL and 7th IJCNLP (Beijing, China, 26-31/7/2015, link)
- PC Member, 5th WIMS (2015, Limassol, Cyprus, 13-15/7/2015, link)
- PC Member, 6th Louhi Workshop (Lisbon, Portugal, 17/9/2015, together with EMNLP, link)
- PC Member, Biomedical Linked Annotation Hackathon (BLAH2015) (Kashiwa-no-ha City, Japan, 27/2/2015, link)
- PC Member, 28th PACLIC (Phuket, Thailand, 12~14/12/2014, link)
- PC Member, 13th ECCB (Strasbourg, France, 7-10/9/2014, link)
- PC Member, BioNLP 2014 (Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 26-27/6/2014, link)
- PC Member, 6th SMBM (U of Aveiro, Portugal, 6-7/10/2014, link)
- PC Member, PhenoDay 2014 (Boston, USA, 12/7/2014, link)
- PC Member, 4th WIMS (Thessaloniki, Greece, 6/2014, link)
- PC Member, 5th Louhi Workshop (Gothenburgh, Sweden, 27/4/2014, link)
- General Chair (with Limsoon Wong), 5th LBM (U of Tokyo, Japan, 12/2013, link)
- PC Member, BioNLP 2013 (Sofia, Bulgaria, 8-9/8/2013, link)
- PC Member, 27th PACLIC (National Chengchi Univ., Taiwan, 21-24/11/2013, link)
- PC Chair (with Ruslan Mitkov), 6th IJCNLP (Nagoya, Japan, 10/2013, link)
- PC Member, 9th DILS (Montreal, Canada, 7/2013, link)
- PC Member, 21st ISMB/12th ECCB (Berlin, Germany, 21-23/7/2013, link)
- PC Member, 3rd WIMS, (Madrid, Spain, 6/2013, link)
- Workshop Chair (with Limsoon Wong), 11th Korea-Singapore Joint Workshop (Daejeon, Korea, 22/02/2013, link)
- PC Member, 4th Louhi Workshop (Sydney, Australia, 11-12/2/2013, link)
- PC Member, 5th SMBM (Zurich, Switzerland, 3-4/9/2012, link)
- PC Member, 11th ECCB (Basel, Switzerland, 9-12/9/2012, link)
- General Chair, 24th HCLT (Busan, Korea, 11-13/10/2012, link)
- PC Member, IT for Disabilities Workshop (Wroclaw, Poland, 9-12/9/2012, link)
- Chair, Steering Committee, Korean Language Engineering SIG, KIISE (12/2011~11/2012)
- PC Member, 20th ISMB (Long Beach, CA, USA, 7/2012, link)
- Chair (with Gary G. Lee), Local Arrangements Committee, 50th ACL (Jeju, Korea, 7/2012, link)
- PC Member, 2nd WIMS (Craiova, Romania, 6/2012)
- PC Member, MIND 2011, ECML PKDD 2011 Workshop (Athens, Greece, 9/2011, link)
- PC Member, 25th PACLIC (Singapore, 12/2011, link)
- General Chair (with Limsoon Wong), 4th LBM (NTU, Singapore, 12/2011, link)
- Workshop Chair, 10th Korea-Singapore Joint Workshop on Bioinformatics and NLP (Korea, 12/2011, link)
- PC Member, ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedicine (BCB) (Chicago, Illinois, USA, 8/2011, link)
- SRC Member, Interspeech 2011 (Florence, Italy, 8/2011, link)
- PC Member, ISMB/ECCB (19th/10th, Vienna, Austria, 7/2011, link)
- PC Member, 22nd IJCAI (Barcelona, Spain, 7/2011, link)
- Chair (with Bandyopadhyay and Kando), Workshop Coordination, 5th IJCNLP (Chiang Mai, Thailand, 11/2011, link)
- PC Member, 1st WIMS (Sogndal, Norway, 5/2011, link)
- PC Member, 24th PACLIC (Tohoku, Japan, 11/2010, link)
- PC Member, EMNLP 2010 (Boston, USA, 10/2010, link)
- PC Member, 4th SMBM (Cambridge, UK, 10/2010, link)
- SRC Member, BioCreative III (Bethesda, Maryland, USA, 9/2010, link)
- PC Member, 9th ECCB (Ghent, Belgium, 9/2010, link)
- SRC Member, Interspeech 2010 (Makuhari, Japan, 9/2010, link)
- PC Member, 23rd COLING (Beijing, China, 8/2010, link)
- PC Member, 23rd ICCPOL (Redwood City, California, USA, 7/2010, link)
- PC Member, 2nd Louhi Workshop (LA, USA, 6/2010)
- Chair, 9th Korea-Singapore Joint Workshop on Bioinformatics and NLP (Korea, 2/2010, link)
- PC Member, 23rd PACLIC (Hong Kong, 12/2009, link)
- General Chair (with Limsoon Wong), 3rd LBM (Jeju, Korea, 11/2009, link)
- SC Member, BioCreative II.5 (Madrid, Spain, 10/2009, link)
- SRC Member, 10th Interspeech (Brighton, U.K, 9/2009, link)
- Commentator, Student Research Workshop, ACL-IJCNLP (47th-4th, Singapore, 8/2009)
- PC Member, Student Research Workshop, ACL-IJCNLP (47th-4th, Singapore, 8/2009)
- PC Member, Demo, ACL-IJCNLP (47th-4th, Singapore, 8/2009)
- PC Member, ISMB/ECCB (17th/8th, Stockholm, Sweden, 6-7/2009, link)
- Chair, 8th Korea-Singapore Joint Workshop on Bioinformatics and NLP (Korea, 12/2008, link)
- PC Member, 22nd PACLIC (Philippine, 11/2008)
- SRC Member, 9th Interspeech (Australia, 9/2008)
- PC Member, 22nd ICCPOL (Hong Kong, 3/2009)
- PC Member, 7th ECCB (Italy, 9/2008)
- PC Member, 21st ISMB (Canada, 8/2008)
- Invited Talk, Dagstuhl Seminar on Text Mining and Ontologies for Life Sciences (Germany, 3/2008)
- Chair, 7th Korea-Singapore Joint Workshop on Bioinformatics and NLP (Korea, 2/2008, link)
- General Chair (with Limsoon Wong), 2nd LBM (Singapore, 12/2007, link)
- PC Member, 21st PACLIC (Korea, 11/2007)
- SRC Member, 8th Interspeech (Belgium, 8/2007)
- PC Member, 20th ISMB (Austria, 7/2007)
- Invited Talk, Advanced NLP and Text Mining Forum (Japan, 3/2007)
- Chair, 5th Korea Singapore Workshop on Bioinformatics and NLP (Korea, 11/2006, link)
- Invited Talk, Workshop on Text Mining, Ontologies, and NLP in Biomedicine (UK, 3/2006, link)
- General Chair (with Limsoon Wong), 1st LBM (Korea, 11/2005, link)
Education and Appointments
- Daejeon High School, Daejeon, Republic of KOREA (~ 1/1980)
- Seoul National University, Republic of KOREA: BE (2/1984) and MSE (2/1986)
- Korea Army Academy, Yeong-Cheon, Republic of KOREA: 2nd LT Reserve (8/1986 ~ 2/1987)
- University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: PhD (5/1996, Advisor: Mark Steedman)
- University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland: Visiting Professor (8/2010 ~ 8/2011)
Last modified: 22 November, 2024