The course offers students a practical introduction to natural language processing with the Python programming language, helping the students to learn by example, write real programs, and grasp the value of being able to test an idea through implementation, with an extensive collection of linguistic algorithms and data structures in robust language processing software.
TA hours
16:00~17:30, 18:30~20:00, Room 403, N1 Building, Wednesday
About solutions for quizes and homeworks
We are sorry to announce that there would be no posting of the criteria for quizes and homeworks as the course policy does not allow it. If you want to check the criteria and your scoring, please visit on the TA office hour. Sorry again for your inconvenience.
- 6/05: No class (sandwich holiday)
- 6/12: Project presentation (이충휘 team, 전석준 team)
- 6/17: Final exam
- 6/20:
Homework #4 due (11:59pm), Project presentation (other teams; 13:00~15:00)
- 6/23: Homework #4 due (11:59pm) (extended)
- 6/25: Project report due
- 7/01: Deadline to post final letter grades
Team lists (updated, 28.03) (pdf)
- 06/12, Lecture 23 slides (pdf)
- 06/10, Lecture 22 slides (pdf)
- 06/03, Lecture 21 slides (pdf), Homework #4 announced
- 05/27, Lecture 20 slides (pdf)
- 05/22, Lecture 19 slides (pdf) (extended class until 6pm)
- 05/20, Lecture 18 slides (pdf)
- 05/15, Lecture 17 slides (pdf)
- 05/13, Lecture 16 slides (updated) (pdf)
- 05/08, Lecture 15 slides (pdf) (error correction in the code for classifier-based chunkers: see here)
- 04/29, Lecture 14 slides (pdf)
- 04/15, Lecture 13 slides (pdf)
- 04/10, Lecture 12 slides (updated) (pdf)
- 04/08, Lecture 11 slides (pdf)
- 04/03, Lecture 10 slides (pdf)
- 04/01, Lecture 9 slides (pdf)
- 03/27, Lecture 8 slides (updated) (pdf)
- 03/25, Lecture 7 slides (pdf)
- 03/20, Lecture 6 slides (pdf)
- 03/18, Lecture 5 slides (pdf)
- 03/13, Lecture 4 slides (pdf)
- 03/11, Lecture 3 slides (updated) (pdf)
- 03/06, Lecture 2 slides (updated) (pdf)
- 03/04, Lecture 1 slides (pdf)
- 03/03, The official website is open.